We welcome you to join us for worship.
Below are details of our regular services, seasonal services and preachers rota.
During the pandemic we recorded a number of our services which are available to watch on our YouTube page. Follow this link to take a look.
Regular services
Sunday Morning Worship
Every Sunday Morning at 10.30am
Traditional Methodist service led by our Minister, visiting ministers or local preachers.
Music led by the organ and words provided by hymnbooks. We use Singing the Faith.
Creche and Sunday Club available for younger members.
All Sunday Club leaders have a full DBS check in place.
Uniformed organisations join us for a parade service four times a year including Mothering Sunday, Harvest, and Advent Gift Service.
Holy Communion
Usually second Sunday of each month at 10.30am.
Please check the weekly notices for dates.
Taize Worship
Every third Sunday from 6pm.
A calm quiet service with Taize music and Bible readings.

We have a hearing loop and can provide large print hymn books.
Wheelchairs users can access the Church via a ramp at the front of the building.
Key services in 2025
World Church - Sunday 2nd February, 10:30 am
Mothering Sunday - Sunday 30th March, 10:30 am
Palm Sunday - Sunday 13th April, 10:30 am
Easter Sunday - Sunday 20th April, 10:30 am
Preachers Plan
5th January - 10:30 am Rev Marcus Torchon
12th January - 10:30 am Rev Anthony Hick (HC)
19th January - 10:30 am BS16 Church swap / 6 pm Taize. Rev David Weeks
26th January - 10:30 am Mr Bob Wood
2nd February - 10:30 am World Church Service
9th February - 10.30 am Rev Dr Aboseh Ngwana (HC)
16th February - 10:30 am Mr Tim Lansdown / 6 pm Taize. Rev David Weeks
23rd February - 10:30 am Mr John Edwards
If you have any queries regarding our Church services, please get in contact with the Stewards team.